5 Reasons Why Spring Moves Minds

Source: Mhoch4 (Glomex)

Yippee! Spring at last. But when the first crocuses bud, it won't be long before they start making their voices heard again - the time change naggers: 74 percent of Germans find the changeover simply annoying. Spring itself, on the other hand, has fewer opponents: A good 36 percent even describe Lenz as their favorite time of year. This may be due to the fact that the days are getting longer, nature is awakening and our hormone balance is also coming out of rest mode. The happiness hormone serotonin is particularly stimulating! Our nose is also stimulated in spring: around 350 olfactory receptors are activated by millions of scent molecules with every breath. 12.5 million hay fever allergy sufferers in Germany better hold their noses. Nose closed - eyes closed: One in three Germans suffers from springtime fatigue in the first weeks of spring. The only thing that helps here is fresh air and plenty of exercise!


of spring time

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