Risk of ticks at the holiday destination

Source: mediahype (Glomex)

A TBE disease as a holiday souvenir? Nobody wants that. And yet more than three quarters of Germans do not care about protection against ticks, which can transmit the early summer meningoencephalitis viruses. A current survey by tick researcher Dr. Olaf Kahl in popular German holiday areas shows that the little bloodsuckers lurk almost everywhere. “Alone in the Elbe Sandstone Mountains and we caught 65 ticks on 150 square meters. That really is quite a lot. And all these ticks near the path. Wherever there are people and even when you come into contact with the vegetation along the way, you can quickly get rid of a tick, ”says the scientist. Once the infected tick has stung, the TBE virus can be transmitted immediately. TBE is a disease of the meninges and the central nervous system and can cause permanent neurological damage. Vaccinations can protect against illness. And that should be done promptly. Because it is important: two weeks before and after the corona vaccinations, other vaccinations should not be carried out. The family doctor can advise you on this. To avoid a tick bite as much as possible: - Wear long, light-colored clothing every time you stay in the country so that the dark arachnids can be seen more easily. - Use anti-tick spray. - Thoroughly search the body after spending time in the country. - Take a tick card or tweezers with you to quickly remove the bloodsucker in the event of a tick bite. With the right tick prevention, the journey to a carefree vacation can begin


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