Acai Bowl - Superfood from Brazil - Simple, delicious and fast | Marco Polo TV

Source: Marco Polo TV GmbH (Glomex)

The start of a good day begins with a super breakfast. The Acai berry convinces with its high content of antioxidants, calcium, magnesium, iron and vitamins. All this with even more delicious fruit makes a super punch. What you need: 2 x bananas, frozen 250 g x frozen raspberries 2 tsp x acai powder 100 g x frozen raspberries 2 x kiwis 1 x passion fruit 2 tsp x chia seeds 2 tbsp x almonds, chopped And here's how: - Put the bananas in the freezer 1 day before and freeze the bananas. - Blend the frozen banana pieces with the frozen raspberries and acai powder until creamy. - Peel and slice the kiwi. - Pour the cream into a bowl and garnish deliciously with the kiwi, the remaining berries, the chia seeds, the almonds and the passion fruit. Bon appetit ------------------------------------------ MARCO POLO TV is the first journalistic German-language TV travel channel and comes from the publishing house MairDumont. The topics of travel, culture, enjoyment and nature are just as much in focus as the use of resources, the protection and preservation of ecosystems and the topic of sustainability. All information is extensively researched and always up to date. Travel reports, documentaries, service-oriented programs and travel tips invite you to dream and travel and are broadcast in the best HD quality. Vacation to the grasp near. Here is more information:

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