GUT GEGEN NORDWIND | Komödie am Kai | Premiere Report

Source: TV21 Austria (Glomex)

A single wrong letter makes Emmi's eMail land by mistake with Leo. He replies out of politeness, and a nice chat begins between the two. With each successive eMail, Emmi and Leo grow closer and soon a very special pen-pal friendship develops between the two. But as time goes by, the two begin to wonder: could what has developed from their initial friendship be infatuation or even love? And is this even possible given the fact that they have never met in person? Soon it seems only a matter of time before the first face-to-face meeting takes place.... And will the sent, received and stored feelings of love withstand an encounter? And what if they do? Gut gegen Nordwind is an epistolary novel in the Internet age - an eMail novel. Glattauer succeeds in making the reader wait together with Leo and Emmi for each new message. The suffering becomes physically palpable when an e-mail fails to arrive for a while, a question is not answered immediately or only vaguely. Both suffer from the uncertainty whether they - or the other - will ever be able to live up to the image created in the e-mails. And both know at some point that they have to stop getting closer, but they keep going - step by step - knowing that every approach makes the longing grow stronger and stronger - for the one you don't know and yet so much. GUT GEGEN NORDWIND daily, except Sunday & Monday at 8:00 p.m. with Anna Sophie Krenn & Anatol Rieger Directed by Sissy Boran & Andrea Eckstein Set Design: Siegbert Zivny Costumes: Barbara Langbein


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