Jobkiller Corona - How do we get out of the labor market crisis?

Source: TV21 Austria (Glomex)

In the third episode of Parliament's discussion program, "Politik am Ring," the social spokespersons of the five parliamentary parties discussed the topic "Jobkiller Corona - How do we get out of the labor market crisis?" The corona virus has not only plunged Austria into its worst health crisis in 100 years, it has also caused the highest unemployment in recent memory. 521,000 people were without a job in Austria in December, and another 400,000 were on short-time work. The video includes key statements from the panelists and experts. Bettina Zopf (ÖVP), Josef Muchitsch (SPÖ), Dagmar Belakowitsch (FPÖ), Markus Koza (Grüne) and Gerald Loacker (NEOS) discuss the issue. As experts, Johannes Kopf (AMS) and Michael Bartz (FH Krems) will provide input.


of corona crisis

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