Animal welfare in the Basic Law: Germany focuses on responsibility

Source: VIDEOELEPHANT (Glomex)

Dogs are popular pets in Germany, with 10.6 million dogs in 2022. But many people are not aware of the responsibility that comes with keeping dogs. Animal welfare has been enshrined in the Basic Law since 2002 and shapes the regulations on keeping animals. "The Federal Animal Welfare Dog Ordinance lays down special rules for dogs, including sufficient exercise. One thing is clear: Not all dogs demand a similar amount of activity and exercise" - Lea Schmitz, Deutscher Tierschutzbund e. V. The obligation to pay dog tax exists in all federal states, and in 2022 the Federal Statistical Office recorded record revenues of around 414 million euros . In some cities, such as Berlin and Munich, even non-dangerous dogs must be kept on a lead in certain areas. Different states have different regulations for different dog breeds, so it's best to find out in advance. "To condemn dogs across the board as dangerous because of their breed is neither justified nor fair" - Lea Schmitz, Deutscher Tierschutzbund e. V


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