BIOFACH launched: Vegan diet in vogue


A vegan diet means completely doing without animal products. This includes meat as well as milk, eggs and cheese. And the plant-based lifestyle is becoming increasingly popular. Overall, around 1.5 percent of people in Germany now live a vegan lifestyle. A trend that Biofach in Nuremberg is also picking up on. At the world's largest trade fair for organic products, industry representatives from all over the world come together Vegan substitute products such as milk and meat alternatives - these are the big sellers at Biofach. The vegan product diversity at the fair also reflects the high turnover of the organic sector with this product line. Inflation and the Ukraine war had recently slowed down the organic sector's sales growth somewhat. In 2022, sales in the organic sector were around 15.3 billion euros The goal of the German Organic Food Association is to further promote organic and also make it more attractive to consumers. Vegan nutrition is one of the current trends that Biofach is picking up on. But other topics also play a role. Until Sunday, experts will be meeting here at the trade fair to exchange views on the future of the organic sector.


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