Worries at the slaughterhouse: Situation in Middle Franconia comes to a head


Regionality and freshness - both catering businesses and the food industry like to advertise with these seals of quality. But in times of discounter meat and cheap alternatives, regional producers are disappearing more and more - an alarming development. For example, there are only four slaughterhouses left in Middle Franconia - one of them in Burgfarrnbach. There, too, the current situation is causing great concern among those affected. This stamp is a seal of quality. Experts can tell from this designation that this half of the pig comes from the Fürth slaughterhouse. For people who rely on regional products, this is an important sign, and not without reason. These regional buyers repeatedly emphasize the importance of local slaughterhouses and butchers. When looking into the future, however, even they become skeptical. In addition to the decline of agricultural livestock farms, the lack of personnel in the butcher shops in Central Franconia is also a problem. Strenuous work and long working hours, that is the cliché for many who think of the butcher's profession. But the reality is different. Regardless of whether it's a butchers' guild or a farmer, the demands on decision-makers are the same. For those affected at the Fürth slaughterhouse, the necessary steps are therefore clear - and above all that they must be implemented quickly. Because regional products are not only a piece of quality of life for them.

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