Snow chaos in Germany - stranded at Hanover train station

Source: 7aktuell (Glomex)

The massive onset of winter in Germany is causing disruptions to rail and road networks. Especially in Lower Saxony, Deutsche Bahn warns of the current weather conditions and suffers from severe delays as well as train cancellations. "Particularly strong winds and snow drifts are causing problems for the emergency services." In NRW and Lower Saxony, problems in regional traffic had already been reported earlier. "In Thuringia, Saxony-Anhalt and Saxony, train traffic is affected by heavy snowfall," Deutsche Bahn said. To make the cold and unpleasant conditions a little easier for the "stranded", the emergency services of the Johanniter have set up supply stations in Hanover. The city's evacuation forces are trying to clear the city's infrastructure of the snow.


of snow train

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