Four signs you're not eating enough protein

Source: VIDEOELEPHANT (Glomex)

Protein is an essential part of a healthy diet, and inadequate intake can lead to serious health problems. Not eating enough protein can lead to what is known as a protein deficiency. Here are some signs that you are not eating enough protein. 1. unexplained weakness and fatigue. Insufficient protein intake can affect the muscles responsible for posture, movement and strength. 2. changes in hair, skin and nails. A lack of protein in the diet can lead to thinning hair, dry and flaky skin and deep ridges on the fingernails. 3. swelling. Proteins circulating in your blood help keep fluid from building up in your tissues. Swelling is most common in the abdomen, legs, feet and hands. 4. slow healing injuries. People who eat too little protein often find that it takes longer for their cuts and grazes to heal. If you feel that you are not getting enough protein, you should see your doctor. A protein deficiency is usually treated by either increasing your daily protein intake or treating an underlying condition.


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