Manner hires 800,000 female employees

Source: TV21 Austria (Glomex)

Whether it's a combined heat and power plant, photovoltaic system or "Schnittenheizung"-sustainability is an important part of Manner's corporate philosophy. At today's presentation of Manner's new bee project at the production yard in Hernals, which was moderated by Kristina Sprenger in a matching pink pantsuit, Manner took another step in this environmentally conscious direction. Manner CEO Mag. Andreas Kutil and master beekeeper Thomas Zelenka jointly introduced the new buzzing employees and talked about Manner honey and the special features but also challenges of the project. As of today, Friday, 12 bee colonies are squatting on the roof of the production facilities in Vienna and Wolkersdorf. Christoph Fälbl and Nina Hartmann are big supporters of the new sustainability project and immediately agreed to take on a bee sponsorship. Ex-ski jumper and Manner testimonial Martin Koch was also on site to celebrate the arrival of the honey bees.


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