Digital bargain hunting in the supermarket: apps and coupons put to the test


Supermarket chains such as Lidl, Edeka, Rewe, Penny, Kaufland and Netto are increasingly relying on digital coupons and smartphone apps to retain their customers in the long term. Despite more than 20 million downloads, studies show that only 19 percent of consumers remain loyal to their retailer. Sven Reuter, price expert at smhaggle, notes that the apps are particularly popular with bargain hunters who also shop at the competition. A random sample with Edeka, Lidl and Rewe shows that selecting suitable coupons is not that easy. Lidl has the highest savings rate at 3.36%, while Aldi does without digital coupons and relies on its price leadership. Despite the potential savings, doubts remain about the effectiveness of the apps as a customer loyalty strategy.

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