New survey confirms: SPD overtakes AfD

Source: DEINE.NEWS REEL (Glomex)

The SPD overtakes the AfD for the first time since summer 2023, according to a new Forsa poll. The results show that the SPD has gained one percentage point and is currently in second place with 17 percentage points behind the CDU/CSU (30%). The AfD remains at 16%, the Greens at 12%, the FDP at 5% and the newly founded party of Sahra Wagenknecht at just under 5%. In June 2023, the AfD had overtaken the SPD in the polls, but now the tide may be turning again. However, according to, Forsa is the only major opinion research institute that sees the SPD ahead of the AfD - although the SPD has recently caught up in several polls.


spd afd overtakes

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