Olaf Scholz: Work is more than income, no to raising the retirement age

Source: VIDEOELEPHANT (Glomex)

In his video message on May 1, Federal Chancellor Olaf Scholz once again emphasized that he clearly rejects raising the retirement age. He described it as a matter of decency not to deny those who have already worked for a long time the retirement they deserve. Scholz warned against uncertainty caused by new debates about the retirement age and emphasized that work is more than just earning money. "Work also means belonging, having colleagues, experiencing recognition and appreciation" - Olaf Scholz. He pointed out that employees in Germany had never worked as many hours as they did last year and that even more workers would be needed in the coming years.Scholz did not, however, name any specific targets for his criticism, although the FDP had recently called for the abolition of the "pension at 63" for those with long-term insurance.


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