ADAC breakdown report 2023 - These were the main problems

Source: ADAC HANSA (Glomex)

3.53 million breakdowns - that's the ADAC's report for 2023. In Hamburg alone, the Yellow Angels had to be called out 192,965 times, an increase of almost 4 percent compared to the previous year. The reason is the increase in traffic since the pandemic. More cars on the roads also means more breakdowns. The main cause, at 44 percent, is a classic: a flat or broken battery, followed by engine damage at 23 percent and problems with on-board electronics, lighting or the starter motor at 10 percent. The battery, or more precisely the starter battery, is also the main cause of problems with e-cars, accounting for over 50 percent. However, the breakdown service for bicycles is also being used more and more. The Yellow Angels have repaired 15,680 bicycles nationwide, 1,037 of them in Hamburg, mainly due to flat tires. If you would like to see more about the ADAC's breakdown service, there is now a series of reports on YouTube with footage that has not yet been shown:


percent of breakdown

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