Glider crashes and gets stuck in treetops

Source: NEWS5 (Glomex)

On Saturday afternoon, a glider crashed near Eggolsheim (district of Forchheim). The glider crashed into a forest below the Burg Feuerstein airfield and got stuck in the treetops at a height of about five to eight meters. Rescue workers from the mountain rescue service secured the aircraft and rescued the pilot with the help of extension ladders and a rope hoist. The 51-year-old was miraculously uninjured, but received a precautionary medical examination. "The reason for the crash is probably pilot error. He set too low when landing, had to veer off and then got stuck in the treetops," says Tobias Hattel of the Ebermannstadt police on the current state of the investigation. The recovery operations continued into the evening hours. To support the fire department and the mountain rescue service, forces of the technical relief organization were also at the scene. A rescue helicopter was also on site. According to initial estimates by the police, the damage to property is likely to amount to around 70,000 euros.


a of rescue

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