Exciting duels on day 5 at the Engadinwind


The marathon was characterized by its long duration of about 1 hour and presented a special challenge. Due to the size of the Silvaplanersee, five laps around the lake had to be run, covering a large part of the village. The marathon is known for the "hare start", an exciting starting method in which the athletes run behind a boat that crosses the starting line, which contributes to a spectacular start of the race. After five laps around Lake Silvaplana and about 50 minutes of spirited racing, Davis Mazais of Latvia and Marion Couturier of France reached the finish line and secured victory in the marathon race. The results of the day caused remarkable shifts in the ranking. Sophia Meyer of Germany now leads the women's ranking, displacing Adi Millo of Israel, who now occupies second place. She is closely followed by Italian windsurfer Linda Oprandi, who is in third place. In the men's ranking, Gaspar Carfantan continues to maintain his dominance, followed by Italian competitor Leonardo Tomasini in second place. The winner of the marathon, Davis Mazais, secures third place in the ranking.


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