Cultivate a weed-free garden with these 5 tasty herbs

Source: VIDEOELEPHANT (Glomex)

If you're tired of removing weeds from your garden, start growing herbs because they outgrow the weeds and keep them in check. Herbs not only help with gardening, but also play an important role in the kitchen. Here are five tasty options that thrive in gardens: Mint is a versatile herb that is often used in a variety of dishes. It spreads quickly through its runners and helps to control unwanted weeds. Oregano, which is indispensable in Mediterranean cuisine, spreads by runners, fills empty spaces in the garden and inhibits weed growth. Parsley is another great addition to your garden, not only because of its flavor, but also because it self-seeds, suppressing weed growth. Chives are great for soups and salads and grow quickly into clumps about a meter high, so weeds don't stand a chance. In addition to its fresh taste, borage adds color to the garden and suppresses unwanted weeds by shading them out


a garden weeds

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