Get into your flow state easily with these tips

Source: VIDEOELEPHANT (Glomex)

Everyone has experienced getting into a state at work or school where you can get your work done quickly. However, these moments rarely happen. In the following, you will learn how to achieve a flow state and how to induce this state regularly. Unlike hyperfocus, which is a symptom of ADHD, flow is a continuous phase of focus that allows you to make uninterrupted progress. To achieve a state of flow, factors such as interest, motivation and the environment you are in will influence your ability to achieve such a state. However, negative traits such as procrastination can also be helpful, as many people are able to concentrate when they are working against the clock and do their best work. In a flow state, you can complete tasks quickly and efficiently, reducing the stress associated with work. However, a negative consequence is that you lose track of time because you are so engrossed in your work that time passes faster than you think.

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