Automated surface finishing at the BMW Group plant in Regensburg - Polishing

Source: AUTOMOTOTV (Glomex)

The scene looks like a long-rehearsed spectacle: Four robots stand in the machining booth, with a freshly painted car body in their midst. As if on command, the robots begin to process the body surface. They sand, apply polishing paste, polish, change the attachments and renew the sandpaper. Cameras follow the scenario. Automated Surface Processing, or AOB for short, has been in series production at the BMW Group plant in Regensburg since March 2022. The plant is the first automotive plant worldwide to use the AI-based process on this scale. To ensure that it works smoothly, another automated process is upstream that has been considered "state of the art" in the automotive industry for some time: Automated Surface Inspection, or AOI for short, first identifies and records the features to be processed after the top coat.

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