What Foods to Eat in a Nuclear Apocalypse


Whether it's a nuclear war between nations or a nuclear power plant meltdown, the risk of an apocalypse is more real than ever. Here's what you should eat in the event of an apocalypse. Most packaged foods in the refrigerator are safe. Wipe down counters and utensils with a damp cloth and store them away from family and pets. Food stored behind closed doors in packages should also be safe. Canned fruits and vegetables have a shelf life of 1-3 years and provide important nutrients. Drink bottled water, as all local water sources are contaminated. Boiled water does not remove radiation. You can use tap water for washing, but should avoid drinking it if possible. Consider alternative sources such as hot water tanks or toilets if water is scarce. Opt for commercially packaged foods such as canned vegetables, brown rice, and canned fish because they are nutritious and have a longer shelf life. Hunting is discouraged as plants and animals may be contaminated. The radiation content of wild animals may make their consumption questionable.

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