Tension for the yellow jersey - German Baum & Egger catch up 2min at the 4th stage of the Cape Epic


The 4th stage of the Cape Epic was a time trial around Oak Valley with a total of 45km and 875 meters of altitude. For the two-person teams today it was a fight against the clock and not against the competitors after the finish sprint yesterday. The stage win went to Matthew Beers and Chris Blevins after 1h45min, this is now their 4th stage win. They only had big problems on stage 1, only 22 seconds slower were the two German last year's winners Georg Egger and Lukas Baum. This means they have been on the podium in every stage so far. The 3rd place went to the overall leaders Nino Schurter and Andri Frischknecht from Switzerland. They lost 2min1se as a result and their lead over Baum & Egger shrinks to 1min11sec. In the women's race Kim Le Court (MRI) and Vera Looser (NAM) prevailed, the second place went to the two overall leaders Amy Wakefield and Candice Lill from South Africa and the podium was completed by Sofia Gomez Villafane (ARG) and Katerina Nash (C

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