Absa Cape Epic 2021 - Stage 7 : Over steep mountains to Vel de Vie

Source: World of Freesports (Glomex)

The last and 7th stage of the Absa Cape Epic 2021 led the athletes from Wellington to Vel de Vie. The grand finale was a final stage of around 68 kilometers of pure mountain biking. Patatskloof, Beulah and the Hawequa Climb formed a seamless transition from the start. Once at the top of Hawequa, the hotspot was a reward for the fastest riders. On the dizzying and steep slopes of Hawequa Mountain, the route quickly lost elevation gain, only to climb back up to the Protea Climb. Finally, on hilly dual tracks, important kilometers were covered until they reached the Freedom Struggle Climb and the Bone Rattler, which formed today's Technical Terrain. Then, finally, it was onto the spectacular Val de Vie terrain.

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