Yury Revichs Friday Nights - Melting World Concert for Climate Protection

Source: TV21 Austria (Glomex)

Polluted oceans, polluted air: The climate crisis affects us very personal, because if we don't stop the negative spiral, in the future we will see each other faster and faster every day rising sea levels, with floods, extremes Faced with heat waves and disasters. Art can too and must sensitize society to this - and at the same time have limited resources and recycling in their think about your own area. Yury Revich's concert "The Melting World Vol.2" brings a diverse artistic Access to deal with the topic of climate protection and the audience for all those topics to raise awareness and to wake people up. Musically, the concert is broad Range from classical music to operetta to musicals and pop. The artists and Artists come from Vienna, London, Hamburg, Amsterdam. But one thing unites them all - that Believe that it is high time to stop climate change. And that's what they point out with their means, with the language their voices, with the means of art, especially with those of music

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