Driving novice crashes into guardrail - Two people injured

Source: PR-VIDEO (Glomex)

Ketsch (ots) - On the evening of Sunday, around 19:15 clock, an 18-year-old with his Citroen C2 on the state road 599 between the junction Brühl and Ketsch from not yet known cause came into skidding. The Citroen turned several times around its own axis and subsequently collided several times with the guard rail there. The impact injured both the 18-year-old driver and his 19-year-old female passenger. Both injured persons were taken by ambulance to nearby hospitals. The crash barrier was damaged to the tune of EUR 2,000. The damage to the vehicle involved in the accident amounts to EUR 8,000. The Citroen had to be towed away by a breakdown truck. During the accident investigation and recovery operations, the state road 599 between Brühl and Ketsch was closed in both directions. Traffic could be reopened at 9 pm.

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