UKRAINE-CURRENT: Russians have increasing problems in the south

источник: IPPEN.MEDIA EXCLUSIVE (Glomex)

Ukraine-News: According to Ukrainian information, Russian troops continued their attacks from the Donetsk region in the direction of the city of Bakhmut - Kyiv reports successes in the Ukraine war - "more than 40 places recaptured " - Ukraine's counter-offensive in the south of the country continues, the city of Cherson is also largely cut off from the remaining occupied areas - Russian troops are torturing and kidnapping civilians in the occupied areas of Cherson and Zaporizhia. According to the human rights organization "Human Rights Watch" - According to information from Kyiv, more than 1000 Russian soldiers have been surrounded by Ukrainian forces in the occupied southern Ukrainian region of Cherson - Heavy fighting is apparently still taking place in the Donbass, the Ukrainian government said in Kyiv - The Russian Foreign Minister Sergey Lavrov said in Cairo on Sunday (July 24) that Russia is seeking to overthrow the Ukrainian government - Lavrov contradicting his own statements in April this year

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