Agreement between Lufthansa and Ver.di: strikes off the table for the time being

источник: XPLAYN (Glomex)

The airline Lufthansa and the trade union Ver.di have agreed on a wage increase for around 20,000 employees agreed on the ground. No further strikes are planned for check-in and aircraft handling for the time being. During the summer holidays, more than 1,000 flights at the Lufthansa hubs in Frankfurt and Munich were canceled last week. (As of August 4, 2022). Both sides are said to have agreed on an increase in wages of 200 euros retrospectively to July 1, 2022. From January 1, 2023, wages will increase by 2.5 percent and from July 1, 2023 by another 2.5 percent. Lufthansa says salary increases of up to 19.2 percent are possible for employees in the lower salary group

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