On-site visit: Berthold Bronisz in Braunsfeld

источник: KIVVON KÖLN (Glomex)

Berthold Bronisz lives in the Zollstock district of Cologne, but grew up in Braunsfeld. He lived in Eupener Straße as a child and teenager until 1976. It was an "interesting feeling" to be back in his old home, he said in the on-site video talk with KiVVON chief reporter Frank Überall. He admires many of the new buildings and changes to the restaurant scene, and also remembers how nice it was to play on the street here back then. "Everything seems smaller today," says Bronisz, who has also volunteered as a district representative for "Die Linke" and is a passionate photographer who documents events and situations. He also talks about how he had to leave his apartment in his new home Zollstock several times due to bomb alarms and how he once literally witnessed a dramatic chapter not just in Cologne's city history, but in the history of Germany as a whole, in Braunsfeld...

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