Fast charging in the middle of Berlin - New Audi charging hub uses existing infrastructure

Bron: AUTOMOTOTV (Glomex)

Audi opens its third charging hub: After the Nuremberg and Zurich locations, the four rings are relying on a local partner company in Berlin, using the existing power connection. The neighboring Frischeparadies with its attractive shopping market and gourmet bistro as a cooperation partner for the hub is making its power connection available for this purpose. In the future, Frischeparadies and Audi charging hub will be supplied via a common power line, which both partners will share according to demand and load. The charging station, which is equipped with second-life batteries, will only charge the buffer storage units when Frischeparadies needs little electricity. With the intelligent and dynamic load control developed in-house, Audi thus ensures efficient use of the electricity infrastructure already in place. When selecting the location, Audi relies on an in-house data analysis that checks the demand on site in advance. Thanks to the buffer storage of second-life batteries sourced from Audi's dismantled test vehicles, the Four Rings can bring a sustainable fast-charging infrastructure to places where the power grid would not be sufficient for it, to constantly operate four high-power charging (HPC) points at up to 320 kW. While fast-charging infrastructure without buffer storage currently usually has to wait a long time for needed transformers, the Audi charging hub makes the best possible use of the existing infrastructure.

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