MureMurgenabgang near Tiefenbach floods road, stream and parking lot!

Bron: ALL-IN.DE (Glomex)

Scare in the night from Friday to Saturday in Tiefenbach near Oberstdorf. Shortly after midnight, there was a mudslide between Weidach and Tiefenbach. "Shortly after midnight, a 10-meter-wide and about 20-meter-high mudflow came loose in the area of Mühlbachstraße, opposite the Oberstdorf hostel," said a responsible person from the Oberstdorf municipality. Residents were lucky Because of the heavy rain, the slope loosened and slid down. In the process, it overflowed a road, a stream and then flooded a parking lot where several vehicles were parked. "We were really lucky that it happened at night. If the mudslide had happened during the day, there would certainly have been people injured," said one of the people in charge. Shortly after the 200-square-meter mudflow, the Tiefenbach fire department and the building yard were alerted. Excavator in use, road closed With an excavator, the road was freed from mud and debris, whether the cars were damaged, can currently not yet be said. The road between Weidach and Tiefenbach was closed, a geologist was also on site. Likewise, the Birgsauerstraße between Oberstdorf and Birgsau was closed on Friday evening around 22:00. Due to construction work on the avalanche gallery, the road was closed as a precaution. Since the danger of mudslides is very high there, the slope above the construction site was flown off on Saturday morning with a drone from the Sonthofen fire department. The search was on for any blockages or debris that had accumulated and could become a hazard.

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