Rooney On FIFA
Wayne Rooney's career so far according to FIFA. Which was ACTUALLY his best season? ?
Should Corona vaccine patents be released or not? While EU states argue, one manufacturer is moving into action. Biontech wants to offer poorer countries the vaccine at a non-profit price.
Wayne Rooney's career so far according to FIFA. Which was ACTUALLY his best season? ?
Das allererste WingFoil event in Fortaleza dominierte Balz Müller mit seinen Tricks und non-stop fließenden, fast schon tanzähnlichen Bewegungen auf dem Wasser. Sowohl in den Wellen als auch im Freestyle war der Schweizer herausragend. Mit 25.67 Punkten und einem 5 Punkte Vorsprung auf den Zweitplatzierten Titouan Galea aus Neukaledonien sicherte er sich Platz 1 in der Qualirunde.
Can surgery be performed without humans in the future? The development of medical robots is progressing rapidly. Robotics is the main topic of the industry. But the electronic helpers are not meant to completely replace doctors – they should only be supported in their work. At the upcoming Medica in Dusseldorf, experts are presenting all of the things that are already possible and whether operations will become even safer in the future.
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